ACLS With Tress Training

At ACLS with Tress we realize that every student is unique. Each can have different abilities, experiences, and needs. Learning style, language proficiency, background knowledge, readiness to learn, and other factors can vary widely within each person or group. Regardless of their individual differences, however, students are expected to master the same concepts, principles, and skills. Helping all students succeed in their learning is an enormous challenge that requires innovative thinking.
We use an instructional style based on differentiated theory that allows instructors to face these challenges by taking diverse student components into account when planning and delivering instruction. Based on this theory, instructors can structure learning environments that address the variety of learning styles, techniques, and abilities found within a classroom.
Our instruction is based upon the belief that students learn best when they make connections between the curriculum and their diverse interests and experiences, and that the greatest learning occurs when students are pushed slightly beyond the point where they can work without assistance. This point differs for each individual.
Instead of only working the “middle road” by providing a single avenue of learning for all students in a class, instructors using differentiated instruction match tasks, activities, and assessments with their students' interests, abilities, and learning preferences. Differential instruction does not happen by accident. It requires planning, commitment, and acknowledgment of the fact that diverse abilities, experiences, and interests have a tremendous impact on student learning.